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I am not afraid to speak up, and I follow through on my commitments. My disciplined and industrious spirit drives me to go above and beyond.


My mind is detail-oriented. I recognize the importance of listening, and I value other people’s perspectives when approaching a problem.

I became an engineer so that I could improve every day user experiences and make lives better through technological advancement. 

This portfolio encompasses my core strengths by outlining projects I have completed in my professional and student career. Thank you for taking the time to consider my resume and portfolio.

I love to learn. My curiosity thrives when put into a dynamic work environment. 


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When presented with ambiguity, I confront it head on. I recognize that the opportunity for improvement is everywhere. 


I love to solve problems and enjoy bringing things back to life. Identifying what is wrong and finding a solution energizes me.

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and portfolio. Click on images to view details on the projects I have completed.
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